Work 1:1 with me

Success as an entrepreneur or team leader can be lonely and difficult. To help you accelerate your own learning and team progress, I offer three coaching blocks that address the most difficult aspects of the journey.

You have a wicked business question? Let's find a dynamic solution.

With 20+ years of experience leading change in organizations, I have developed a coaching dialogue that produces guaranteed results. No matter how complex your question or challenge, it carries the magic of a generative and mind-opening conversation. Let’s work together to find a solution that naturally works.
120 minutes.

Not everything runs smoothly in your SME? Let's get your business rolling.

In more than 50 decision-maker interviews, I have analyzed success patterns of companies in crisis mode. The Flow Discovery Workshop resulted from this: Here we look at your current business model and uncover the key success factors. It’s about future viability all along the line. Contact us for more information.

180 minutes.
Team Building

You want to bring momentum into your team? Time for the quantum leap to meaningful work.

Developed with my own team in a large organization, and perfected with dozens of other teams over the past three years: Agile Coaching, which goes beyond ready-made tools like Scrum and Holacracy, builds mutual trust, and results in an appropriate, customized working system.

As a manager, you have taken over a new team? You want to integrate yourself and your team better? You focus on autonomous work – however measurable and motivated from the inside? This Agile Coaching helps whenever teams are facing change and culture change is on the agenda.

Flexible by arrangement.