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Welcome to the premiere of The Flow Factor

Willkommen zur Premiere von The Flow Factor
We have some news: Our previous series "Leadership:Impulse" is not only getting a new name, but is also focusing more strongly on current topics. The Flow Factor (the also in English is the weekly impulse for all those who want to advance themselves and their team with AI, a strong culture and innovative approaches:

1️⃣ Corporate culture - the key to growth and innovation.
2️⃣ Artificial intelligence (AI) - as a technology to simplify processes and increase productivity.
3️⃣ Inspiration from sport - to learn from athletes, teams and science how top performance works.

A positive approach to rapid change

The world is becoming more complex and expectations of organizations are rising - whether in Liechtenstein, Switzerland or globally. Managers today are faced with the challenge of not only remaining agile, but also getting their team into a sustainable "flow". This is about:

💡 Technologies effectively,
💡 the Corporate culture to develop further, and
💡 in the daily communication to create trust.

The Flow Factor will support you with new perspectives, tried-and-tested methods and exciting examples.

What does that look like in concrete terms?

You can already find the first article in the new newsletter format on our website. In it, we focus on one topic "Why AI often fails without the right culture" - with a view to the financial world, which is at a turning point:
  • Automation and innovation are revolutionizing processes.
  • Cultural change is necessary to make sensible use of AI.
  • Banks, insurance companies and more need to take bold steps to exploit the opportunities.
👉 Read the entire article here.

Preview of upcoming highlights 🌟

In addition to practical insights and tips, I look forward to welcoming you to the next Culture Café to invite:

📅 When. February 21, 2025, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
📍 Where. Vaduz
🗨️ Topic: Case studies from SMEs on the topic of corporate culture

Get in touch here for the event.

Keep at it

The Flow Factor is the new contact point for inspiration, dialog and change. I look forward to your feedback, ideas and suggestions.
Hartmut Hübner
E-mail: hartmut@huebner.io
Tel: +41 77 261 07 24
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