How to see the real goal and create a pull on the path to get there

In my Monthly Inspiration newsletter, I asked readers what their main leadership question is at the moment.

They said: How do people see the real goal and take an easy path to get there?

Here’s the 5-Step framework I used to achieve goal-orientation with my team.

Step 1: Create pull

Most managers think that you have to get people to work on their goals by pushing them.

Instead, I want you to think of asking people what they really want.

If you do this, here are the results you can expect:

  • Identification
  • Commitment
  • Passion

Step 2: Collectivize

Once you’ve created a pull for goals, you’ll likely ask how these support your business.

Instead of announcing company goals, I encourage you to ask about contributions.


Because if you ask people how they can contribute, they will own the success.

Step 3: Think about purpose

After you’ve successfully created a pull and defined contributions, it’s time to talk about impact:

  • Step in the shoes of your customers and communities
  • Define what you want to change in their life
  • See how this improves the world.

Step 4: Make it a habit

At this point, you’re now ready to get to practice.

If you did Steps 1–3, it should be easy to start a quarterly routine.

Just don’t forget:

  • Let the team work on quarterly objectives
  • Let purpose guide the process
  • Be part of the team!

Step 5: Measure results

That’s it! Now it’s time to make the goals concrete.

  • Tip 1: Quantify the best possible results you can imagine.
  • Tip 2: Be sportsmen in achieving the results.
  • Tip 3: Make others part of the team: customers, management, communities.

The reason this framework works so well is because it’s a pull process.

So, don’t fall into the trap of pushing people to achieve goals.

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