How to validate the real problem you solve before initiating change in your SME

Let’s look at how SMEs can come to the real problem in a simple way before starting a change or strategic initiative.

I’ve seen in many projects that people jumpstart into activities before clarifying the real goal and how to measure success. With many SMEs, there is a constant pressure to keep launching new initiatives. Overcome this stress by creating clarity first to become 100% more impactful with everything you do in your enterprise.

Unfortunately, this is not common practice..

Most SME leaders feel they have generally no time and need to keep many balls in the air.

  • Dealing with customers
  • Juggling between meetings
  • Answering e-mails, etc.

Yet, it’s actually just requires a very small switch in the process to use your time much more effectively.

Here’s how, step by step:

Step 1: Stop — and listen to others as well as to yourself.

This is a key reflective practice to gain clarity first.

To do this anywhere and with as many people as you like, we have developed a quick online self-check. In a moment of reflection, you simply go through twelve factors that are useful to be aware of before initiating any kind of change. Within minutes, you’ll have the results in your inbox — try it out here.

Step 2: Define the intention.

Can you imagine how many entrepreneurs simply skip this step?

If you are not clear about the intention, any change will get into the state of confusion because there is no overall goal and direction. To avoid this, take the results of the self-check, look at the chart and identify the ONE key factor you will work on.

Step 3: Let your team quantify the result.

When it’s your team, not you, that sets the result, you automatically gain full support for your initiative.

The process boils down to you initiating a conscious change that is supported by your team. You will be rewarded by having a clear direction for the future and knowing when you have reached your goal. What more do you want?

Sind Sie bereit?

Wir sind froh, dass Sie gefragt haben! Vereinbaren Sie direkt einen Termin mit uns, um diesen wichtigen ersten Schritt des Innovationsprozesses zu beginnen – die Bedarfsanalyse. Wir freuen uns darauf, mit Ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten, um die Herausforderungen zu meistern und die digitale Innovation in Ihrem Unternehmen voranzutreiben.

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