Make 2020 the year of purposeful collaboration!
Some already say that 2019 will be recorded as the year when climate change and sustainability came to a break-through in public debate. Clearly, we can see it as a...
Some already say that 2019 will be recorded as the year when climate change and sustainability came to a break-through in public debate. Clearly, we can see it as a...
"Das Weltgeschehen mit seinem rasanten Wandel überfordert viele Firmenleiter. Die Unternehmen geraten zunehmend in die Defensive. Das ist gefährlich," war kürzlich in der Süddeutschen Zeitung zu lesen. Digitalunternehmen wirbeln den Markt auf;...
When entering the process of digital transformation, there are many obstacles that could potentially stand in your way – and as a CEO or entrepreneur, you need to be prepared to...
While many companies are now digitalizing their communications activities to compete in a digital world, one key stakeholder seems to be left behind: the CEO. Oliver Wyman identified this gap specifically in...