Monthly Inspiration #1: 10 Secret practices to find meaning and fulfillment at work

Dear reader,

The world needs leaders that create meaningful places to live and work.

This is quite obvious when we look at what is happening in business and society today. Yet, there is often a big misunderstanding in the concepts of purpose, agile, and self-organization: They are often equated with "no leadership". That's wrong. New leadership means more leadership - by inner motivation, by everyone.

This requires us to follow our internal compass. How to do that in daily leadership work? I try to describe this in the eBook 10 SECRET PRACTICES to find meaning and fulfillment at work. It's a free source full of tools and exercises that you can simply try out.

Will you do me a favor? Hit reply and let me know what your main leadership question is at the moment. Going forward, you'll get a short Monthly Inspiration from me addressing these questions, plus potentially some additional value. It'll be a message worth looking at - that's my promise.

Read and enjoy.

All the best,

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