Führungs:Impulse #3: AI for more productivity in the company

Workshop mit KI Chatbot


Artificial intelligence (AI) is on everyone's lips: the opportunities are huge - and at the same time, the technology needs to be used responsibly. The use of AI is no longer limited to generating funny texts, images and videos. Rather, AI solutions also make it possible to automate or expand thinking and knowledge work. They can generate ideas, make suggestions and thus measurably increase creativity and efficiency.

Productivity gain measurable

So-called "power users" who use AI purposefully and several times a week save around one hour of working time every day compared to the previous year - and the trend is rising, as Microsoft recently measured. These users try to adapt working methods and processes with the help of technology so that they

  • expand their individual skills,
  • bring their personal strengths to bear, and
  • increase their productivity, innovative strength and problem-solving ability.

Used correctly, AI means not only saves time, but also reduces workload, empowers and provides data-driven support for decision-making.

How can you as a manager use AI to achieve exactly this?

As part of our project digihub.li we have organized a training with the title "Relaxed and productive work" developed. In it, we show why enjoyment of work is usually more important than diligence in order to be truly productive, and how AI can help to regain the joy of work.

Workshop mit KI Chatbot

Communicating with AI

We have developed two AI-supported chatbots for the training. The first one helps you to Ikigai (Japanese for "what is worth living for") - your focus, based on the intersection of what you are good at, what you enjoy, what the world needs and what you get paid for. The second chatbot supports you in organizing your to-do list based on the Eisenhower matrix to prioritize and shows, what is really important and urgent.

The participants were able to experience AI assistants directly, came up with new ideas for themselves and in the group. Reach your goal faster than in traditional lessons and now have a tool at hand to work more efficiently.

Would you like to try out the chatbots yourself? Here you can register for free. We will be offering further moderated live training sessions after the summer vacation.

"The future belongs to those who recognize opportunities before they become obvious."

The Irish writer Oscar Wilde put it in a nutshell 150 years ago: "Of course, the use of technology in the world of work is about increasing productivity and improving performance. We urgently need both. However, an even greater opportunity for AI lies in enhancing the value of work as suchto gain more time for people and find a clear focus in the multitude of goals and roles in which we are involved.

Want to learn more about how AI can help you and your team to keep productivity high and increase happiness? Write me a short e-mail with your question and/or a suggested date for a brief exchange.

Best regards


P.S. How do you like the new "Führungs:Impulse"? I plan to write them every two weeks again from now on. In addition to communication, the focus in future will be even more on innovation and above all AI in the world of work go. Each newsletter should also contain a practical tool. 

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