Hübner Management
Becoming effective through communicative action

"Working with you has given our organization a very positive boost, and we are well on our way.
To become a powerful team."
This is what my client, a marketing manager, said at the end of the first workshop I facilitated as an entrepreneur. In 2019, after more than 20 years in large and small companies, where I myself was a communications leader for a long time, I decided to turn over a new leaf and help leaders in other organizations overcome their business challenges. This was just before the pandemic. We were talking about the VUCA world, but real crises were not yet so obvious. Internally, it was an emotional time after quitting a job I liked and giving up a monthly paycheck. At the same time, I was full of entrepreneurial spirit to create something new. So this feedback encouraged me: It was the right move for me.
I've always wanted to be able to innovate and be creative to help others with their Solving real business problems to help with means of communication.

How can we advance business and society by communicating better and more effectively with each other?
Why focus on dialogue and collaboration, you may ask? Having worked in communications most of my life and led countless change projects in organizations, I have seen time and again that change only becomes concrete when the point of communication is reached. During my PhD in the UK, I explored the perspective that communication is not primarily something that happens within organizations or between organizational members. Instead, communication is the process by which organizations come into being - arguing that change and impact are not a foregone conclusion, but are reflexively constituted through the act of dialogue.
In today's VUCA world, it is this view of business change that simply works, inspiring participants rather than frustrating them.
With a rethink in communication
challenges can be overcome more easily.
The new approach to communication is gaining momentum. I now get to work with a range of executives and teams, in a broad range of applications from manufacturing to healthcare and from banking to social enterprises. Large and small companies in Liechtenstein,
Switzerland, southern Germany and Austria.
In the process, I observe that managers repeatedly
approach me with similar challenges:
Bring about change
Aiming for a new direction together with the team and achieving the goal.
Awaken motivation
Get out of your comfort zone, awaken an entrepreneurial spirit and actively participate in decision-making.
Becoming fit for the future
Develop more effective strategies that work in the now and ensure ongoing learning.
I believe that the following principles, which also guide my actions,
are helpful for solving these challenges:
Gain clarity
Being aware of the meaning and purpose of every entrepreneurial action enables clear decisions.

Allow creativity
Communication from which new things emerge leads to healthy and vibrant organizations.
Start with yourself
The energy for change is maintained when the boss or leadership team also changes themselves.
Gain focus
In order to understand complex systems, you have to look at them from different perspectives and get right into the middle of them.
Ensuring quality
If you only send in one direction, you give away the real benefit: The quality of communication lies in listening.
Book a call with us
Develop your business
in a communicative way.
Better conversations inspire and create impact.
Getting there is an inner journey that every leader should embark on.