Monthly Inspiration #3: Ready for the cultural detox?

Good day,

Many managers see culture as a soft topic that is difficult to "manage" and is therefore often merely observed.

As a result, the culture in many teams is no longer up to date: while the trappings change and companies have to solve more and more challenges at the same time, the culture often remains stagnant. Not only that - it becomes increasingly "toxic" as individual components that have helped organizations in the past suddenly become obstacles.

Do the following examples sound familiar?

Employees simply rely on their superiors to know where they are going.
Targets and bonuses lose their effectiveness and lead to frustration.
Although the owners are satisfied with the business development, external pressure is growing.
Instead of dismissing culture as a soft factor, a cultural detox is urgently needed.
If you do not find the toxic parts the culture, you can not do a detoxification cure and replace them with positive aspects.

In a new study, the Zukunftsinstitut explains that the core of the current transformation lies not in digitization and networking, but in new cultural qualities. Only an organic and trusting culture of togetherness empowers companies to master the challenges of the VUCA world and to help shape it. Reawakening this entrepreneurial power requires more focus on internal resources.

It starts with a change in management thinking.

Engaging with culture paves the way to an entrepreneurial future.
Our online self-check offers a proven way to start analyzing company and team culture.

This tool was developed as part of our book project "Communication rethought". We have further refined it in collaboration with the Presencing Institute. It enables the start of a positive, intrinsically motivated future vision for the team or the entire organization.

Your company becomes an innovation space that binds the creativity of employees in pragmatic new solutions.
In this way, the toxic parts of the corporate culture that no longer fit disappear.

These make room for entrepreneurial, future-oriented elements. True to the motto of the legendary Peter Drucker: "Culture eats strategy for breakfast". All communication reaches the next level and supports the transformation to the organization of the future.

What is currently the biggest challenge to your company culture? Scroll to the bottom of this letter and vote.

I wish you an inspired day at work.

All the best and warm greetings,

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