Monthly Inspiration #10: 2023 - Year of Communication

Good day,

To kick off the year, let me share some thoughts on why communication is important right now....

to generate positive momentum,
to keep moving,
to create solutions for issues that are still open.
Communication is often taken for granted and reduced to messages. However, if communication really matters and you want to seize the opportunity of the hour, this is not enough. Rather, it is crucial to be prepared for the moment, to have the process in mind and to remain calm.

Let's dive in!

Communication is a decision
To take advantage of the opportunities that 2023 offers, it is important to avoid the following mistakes:

Error #1: First wait and see what comes.

Error #2: Relying on what you already know.

Error #3: Or even getting sucked into a vortex of negativity.

The reason many people make these mistakes is that they participate in communication but do not consciously choose FOR communication. As a result, opportunities are not taken advantage of. We can see this every day in political issues on the world stage.

I'll show you why a decision FOR communication will move us forward in 2023 with a few examples:

#1: We can choose the positive
War, energy crisis, strained supply chains: After 2020 and 2021, I could again see 2022 as a roller coaster ride.

But there were also a lot of positive moments: successful projects that helped my clients move forward. Or new business ideas, such as "Purpose Culture" or the Digital Innovation Hub Liechtenstein, in the creation of which I was able to participate in great teamwork. Plus the experimental conversation formats that some of you got involved with at the Kultur Cafés. All of these were highlights of 2022.

As a communicator, I see myself as a born optimist. At the same time, I am aware that this can also be accompanied by crushing disappointments. Over the years, however, I have learned: I can always choose the positive.

#2: Communication helps us stay in the game
In the current times, it can be very helpful to look at professional life from the playful side.

James Carse and Simon Sinek introduce two different types of games in their books: finite and infinite. Finite games are limited in scope and outcome, while infinite games have an open end and neither a fixed number of players nor a predetermined outcome. Once again, we have a choice: which of the two games do you want to play?

I hypothesize that communication is the essential engine and driver for us to participate in the infinite game. Therefore, trust, teamwork, and commitment to a collective mission must be prioritized in order to achieve greatness.

#3: Communication creates solutions
Everywhere in professional life we can observe what happens when people stop communicating: Possible solutions to problems or challenges fall by the wayside.

Communication allows us to change perspectives in order to better understand others and identify new opportunities. Thus, communication opens the space for innovation. And becomes usable to enable growth and success as well as positive development overall.

To experience the change of perspective on the spot, I cordially invite you to the next Kultur Café on January 27 in Vaduz. If the date is not well located or the way there is too far, book here your desired date in my calendar.

Here's to a positive 2023!
Thank you for reading this far. I wish you all the best for 2023 - the year of communication.